Chiropractic Care Rock Hill, SC | Kimble Chiropractic Center

Make Pain Relief Your New Year’s Resolution!

When 2016 was turning into 2017, we noticed how the same New Year’s resolutions seemed to be repeating themselves. The most common ones include these ten:

  • Get fit
  • Lose weight
  • Make more/save more money
  • Become more organized
  • Find a new job
  • Travel more
  • Start a new hobby
  • Get more sleep
  • Volunteer for a worthy cause
  • Spend more time with friends and family

Sound familiar? Do you see yourself in at least some of these? Maybe, to some degree, in all of them? If so, have you made these or similar resolutions in the past, but haven’t succeeded?

Well, there’s one underlying factor that could prevent you from fully achieving any one of these. And that’s if you’re suffering from chronic pain. Experiencing pain can keep you from exercising as much as you’d like, for example, and from sleeping well. It can make it more difficult to organize your cupboards or to walk the dogs at the animal shelter or to travel comfortably.

So, what if you made one linchpin resolution – to focus on achieving relief from pain – so that you can live a fuller life? Here are two ways in which chiropractic care can facilitate that relief.

Chiropractic Adjustment Benefits

First, there are numerous benefits of chiropractic adjustments. When you choose chiropractic care, as just one benefit, your treatment is drug-free, which means there is no chance of a negative reaction to a prescription medication. And, here’s another. Numerous studies show improvements in low back pain, neck pain, headaches and much more through the use of chiropractic treatments.

In fact, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) recommends chiropractic care as the first line of treatment for back pain. This recommendation was made after a study showed that 73% of patients who received chiropractic adjustments along with standard medical care reported that their pain was either completely gone or much better. Patients who only received standard medical care? Only 17 percent reported such positive results.

Laser Therapy for Pain

Another way to fulfill on your New Year’s resolution of alleviating pain is through laser therapy, which uses select light wavelengths therapeutically. Benefits of this modality include:

  • Pain reduction
  • Improvement in healing time
  • Decreased swelling
  • Increased circulation

You can find more information on conditions that respond well to laser therapy for pain. You can also contact us online or call today at 803-327-6155.